Under 12 Go Games

Go Games are Camogie, Hurling and Gaelic Football for children up to and including 12 years of age, where every child gets to play (a Go) in every game, for the full game.

Go Games are National Policy. Go Games Policy Guidelines

Further information Read Here

The Playing Rules for Go Games Camogie, Hurling and Gaelic Football are provided on the Go Games Resources. These are provided by way of best practice and can be adapted to meet localised needs. Where units from different counties play a game, these Playing Rules will be used.

Application Form

To apply to organise a Go Games Blitz between more than one Club or School can apply thorough the online link Go Games Application Form .

Team Size:
Min 8 v 8 – Max 13 v 13

Unlimited – equal Game Time for All


Pitch Size:
13 a side – Goals on 20mt Line – if 11/9 a side – Goals on 13 mt and 45 mt Lines

Goal Size:
Portable Goals

Ball Size
1st Choice – Smart Touch
2nd Choice – Size 4

In Play Rules:
2 Touches of the Ba permitted Hop & Solo or Solo and Solo Standard as per existing Rules. Additional Rules can be modified to meet local needs. Score is a Score – No Goals or Points

13 a side – 2 x 25 mins or 4 x 12.5 mins (if Managers agree) 11/9 A side – 2 x 20 mins or 4 x 10 mins (if Managers agree)

Frees / Sidelines:
Normal Rules Person Fouled takes the Free Sidelines – Player nearest the Ball Players must be 10mt away from Player taking the Sideline

Kick from the Hand

Team Sheets

Match Report
As per template if No Injuries. Full Report if there is an injury.