Player Development Programme….Keeping the Net Wide

AIM of the LGFA Player Development Programme
To equip players with the knowledge, skills, and attitude to be the best they can be and foster a sporting vocation (‘Love’) for our sport
OBJECTIVES of the LGFA Player Development Programme
- Dynamic and effective in its delivery to maximise potential of all players
- An inclusive programme for all players, focusing on players at various stages of development
- Provide an opportunity for players to develop individually, with different players, learn new skills, and develop the fundamental skills in a positive and safe environment
- Expose players to high quality coaching experiences that are in line with demands of our game i.e., technical, tactical, physical, and psycho/social
- Focus on coach development and create awareness of good coaching structures and methods
- Assist in monitoring players participation over a period
- Create good County and Club relationships
For more information Click Here
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